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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-09-01  |  101KB  |  640x480  |  24-bit (77,800 colors)
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OCR: YOU'VE BEEN FRIENDS BACK ROOM SINCE GETTING TOGETHER A BAND? DRINK FOUNTAIN MEANT THE AFTER FORA WATER HAVE RECESS Can Ct get noticed? Can get a deal? Real bourbon Send us your demo and you might just land a 6:6 in Jim Beam Back Room TM If you think you ve got what it takes send your demo photos press kit and contact details Jim Beam Back Room TM Promotion 2700 Pennsylvania Ave Santa Monica CA 90404 Visit Jim Beam on the Web at www. jimbeam com Beam Straight Kentucky Bourbor Whiskey 40% B88L James B.Bean Distilling Co Clermont K.Y.Make responsibility part of your enjoyment getra AlcVol